Apart from the usual PostgreSQL tutorials, where I myself explain the concepts, here we are gonna have a look at a funny question in PostgreSQL. Here I am not providing a ready made answer, instead you have to come up with your own answer and we will choose the best answer by voting.
The Problem Statement
Here, we have two tables named, user_details and cipher_table:
CREATE TABLE user_details ( user_id character varying NOT NULL, pass_enc character varying, created_time timestamp with time zone, CONSTRAINT user_details_pkey PRIMARY KEY (user_id) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); CREATE TABLE cipher_table ( cipher_text character varying NOT NULL, plain_text character varying, CONSTRAINT cipher_table_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cipher_text) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE );
The user_details table contains three columns:
- The user_id column holds the user ID of the generated users.
- pass_enc column contains the password for the user which is the md5 encoded string of concatenation of user_id and created_time (example: md5(‘2013-11-09 04:15:11.233-08User 1’))
- The created_time store the time of creation of the user
The cipher_table stores the password and corresponding plain text from which it is formed.
So, our challenge here is to insert 500 users dynamically with user_id like ‘User 1’, ‘User 2′,…’User 500’ and corresponding password in pass_enc (formed as explained above) and creation time in created_time column. In the same query we have to insert the passwords and corresponding plain text from which it is formed. The tables will look like below:
- The whole insertion process must be done in a single query. No user defined functions, no more than one semi column(;)
- The created_time must not be all same. It must be different in at least few rows.
- No hard-coding of values except ‘User ‘, 1, 500 and timestamp
- Your query must be re-usable, that means, if you insert ‘User 1’ to ‘User 500’ at a time, you must also be able to insert ‘User 501’ to ‘User 1000’ using the same query.
So that’s it. Let’s see who gonna answer first!
hi Raj,
CTE is the answer! Every time you run this query it will add new 500 users with new IDs. I put my tables into “test” schema, so you have to do it with your tables too, to run this query.
One of possible solutions:
/*The whole insertion process must be done in a single query. No user defined functions, no more than one semi column(;)*/
WITH countRows AS (
SELECT COUNT(*) as rowCount FROM test.user_details -- Your query must be re-usable, that means, if you insert ‘User 1? to ‘User 500? at a time, you must also be able to insert ‘User 501? to ‘User 1000? using the same query.
series AS (
SELECT generate_series (countRows.rowCount +1,countRows.rowCount +500) rowNum, --No hard-coding of values except ‘User ‘, 1, 500 and timestamp
clock_timestamp() as create_time --The created_time must not be all same. It must be different in at least few rows.
FROM countRows
create_users AS (
INSERT INTO test.user_details (user_id, pass_enc, created_time)
SELECT 'User'||series.rowNum series, md5(series.create_time||'User'||series.rowNum ), series.create_time --No hard-coding of values except ‘User ‘, 1, 500 and timestamp
FROM series
INSERT INTO test.cipher_table (cipher_text, plain_text)
SELECT pass_enc, created_time::text || user_id
FROM create_users
Cool. It is a perfect solution with CTE.
if a table have crores of row , how to get select A single whithin a second , when i select it takes 15 to 20 minuts
With crores of rows, that too in temporary tables, 15 minutes seems to be less, unless you are running on a Super computer. 🙂